So-Called "War on Terror"
There is no such thing as a "War on Terror." Terror is a method, not a cause. Calling our fight against al-Qaeda and its copycats a "War on Terror" is like declaring a "War on Fighting." It's a simpleminded tag for simpleminded people.
What we're really fighting is a war on religious fanaticism. The reason we don't call it that is because we have plenty of religious fanatics in our own country, some of whom are in high places. Declaring a "War on Religious Fanatics" would make some of our own religious fanatics uncomfortable. And then there is always the mealy-mouthed politically correct people who are afraid to discuss religion at all, thus ceding religious discussion to the nuts.
Don't get me wrong. Not all religion or religious people are fanatics. Most aren't. But it only takes a minority of fanatics to to start a war, right?