Saturday, May 20, 2006

Da Vinci Distractions

I have an admission to make. Perhaps I am alone in the world on this one, but I thought the Da Vinci Code was so juvenile and poorly-written that I couldn't make it through the second chapter. Given the book's outrageous popularity, this probably says more about me than the book, but so be it.

Anyway, with the release of the movie and the anger expressed by some Christians at what they see as an attack on their religion, I really can't see what all the fuss is about. Any philosophy or religion that can't take some criticisim and even slander probably shouldn't survive anyway. Christianity is, however, more than strong enough to withstand whatever this tepid book and movie have to throw at it, so the defenders should just relax. Far better books have taken aim at Christianity without destroying it. If you are interested in a cogent jab at what Christianity has become, take a look at the work of the Jesus Seminar and any of its individual authors, as just one example among many.


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