Evil and Stupid: A Potent Combination
I wonder if this country is so jaded that, as a society, we don't even care any more what's going on in Guantanamo? The US announced today that 14 more prisoners were released, meaning over 300 people have been held there, sometimes for years, then simply released to their home countries.
Now, forgive me for applying logic to the so-called "War on Terror," but can't everyone see how awful this is? These are people who were picked up by our government, held without charges, legal representation, or trials, then suddenly released. Now, even you right-wingers must see the problem here: either they're terrorists, the "worst of the worst" as the Bush Administration said, or they're harmless and can be let go. Which is it? Were they the "worst of the worst" going in but harmless coming out? Is anyone stupid enough to really believe that, other than our President?
Isn't it far more likely that the opposite is true? If they weren't the "worst of the worst" going in, don't you think they are now? Wouldn't you be?
This whole Guantanamo mess is one of the sorriest episodes in this country's history, and it doesn't even make sense in an evil way. It's one thing to be stupid, but to be stupid and ineffective is unforgiveable, except by the people who keep voting for these guys.
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